Brighter than the tallest lighthouse! "You want me to do what? No way, get meow'da here." "We're thinkin' we might go cruising around later, maybe pick up some 'goyles." Darn it! I was supposed to ger here 10,000 years ago! "That'll be first month, last month, and a security deposit. What, it's not like any of you can afford to own." If you need me, I'll be encased in stone. As if you thought we could be stopped, or even slowed, by inclement weather. We'll get along great if you stand *right* over there. I'll have you know that I underwent the ritual, and it ordained me as fit to have only good opinions! Those aboard, at no extra charge, may stay on with us for all remaining stops. "We wanna invite you to go hunt with us." If you read the fine print, a castle on a cliff is actually required under the terms of the Holy Rome Owners Association. My boots! My boots! My controlling shares for my boots! "Just watch me pulling up my socks, and then they get away right out from under me." -Dragonette, "My Legs" Nature, uh, finds a way. These fun guys are now making all metropolitan stops. You ever get the feeling that the scissors had better watch out, because they might not be the victors in this encounter? If you don't watch out, there's gonna tamagetcha! Invaders beware: This Kasbah's ready to rock back. It's always brunch somewhere! Keep your finger on the X button, this sequence is brutal, and it goes on *forever*! All you need to do is turn your eyes toward the things creeping at the edge of the frame. Fast fashion, you say? Well, they're available for a limited time, I'll tell you that much! "My boy says he can eat fifty eggs, he can eat fifty eggs." -Dragline, in *Cool Hand Luke* (1967). Remember, everyone, it's about what your embodying, it's about attitude, it's about transformation! Sometimes, it's nice to visit a theme park whose theme is modest sincerity. "I was an animal then. Behind all this, I'm an animal now, and someday, some grim situation or another will, with its claws, steal from me my humanity and leave me for a moment in philosophy a shattering animal. Today, I'd like to hope that's not me. I'm not there. I'm here. I will always be right here." -Tim Rogers, "action button reviews boku no natsuyasumi" (2022). I hear that there's no comparison, that this is peak duck! Next stop: Exceeding 300 kilometers per hour! Look, everyone, I'm sure one of us is going to crack their ICE eventually! "And bein' the baller that I am, I talk to them; Givin' a damn about them not feelin' my attitude." -Chamillionaire, "Ridin'" What will be the face you wear after The Change sets in? "What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp; Dare its deadly terrors clasp?" -William Blake, "The Tyger" I'm just coming back from the shops. Hope these supplies aren't too haunted! She's navigating that tenuous Middle Kingdom between cat girl and catgirl. It's like I've got this whole dense orb on my back! Won't anyone take pity on the burdens felt by the powerful? That your car? Pretty nice, I love convertibles! This design is also available on one of our commidi-tees, available in the gift shop! Discard your ideas, replace them with orbs, for a spherical future! What reason do you have to doubt? Have you ever met a pig who tells lies before? "What do we make? Motherfucker, we make *money!*" Watch as I inject this code straight to its root. Don't count this silly little mouse out just yet! Even so, it's going to be *quite* a climb, with some gnarly battles along the way. Whatever they're doing, it's not thinking. A nibble here, a nibble there, and before you know it, you've made a treasure from someone else's trash! They say that by the time you make it to the deep end, visibility goes down to zero! Just one problem! Someone put all the racing stripes on sideways! We need to claw back these resources before nature does it for us! At whose behest are the cities remade? At yours?! Raise the iron curtain on the first of many acts, but never lower your guard! "In a logic that perhaps no man will ever understand, the true winner is the last to finish the race." -Dr. Nils Hellstrom, *The Hellstrom Chronicle* (1971). Every turn you make, you're heading downward, and yet there's never any bottom. My journey shall take me beyond the shore, beyond the sea, beyond even the sky itself. Guess I'll wait here until someone restarts the level. From the north to the south to the east to the west! Elasmobranch fish are the boss and the best! These ladies aren't going anywhere. It is the world around them that will change. Reach for the top with the flats of your feet! No? Look, do you want to get into the Field of Reeds or not? Don't cross these cats, lest they cross you. The streets of the old city are teeming with schemers, miscreants, and those just trying to get through the day. Which of of the sky's faces will it turn towards us tomorrow? I touched the giant geodesic orb at the American Pavilion and all I got was this self-referential chost. It's a tough market out there, no horsin' around permitted. This couple of aces doesn't get their rocks off like an ordinary couple. "If you think about it, Platinum, the whole rest of the world is Sheep, isn't it?" "You never know when you're making a memory." -Rickie Lee Jones. "I went to see a psychiatrist. He said, 'Tell me everything.' I did, and now he's doing my act." Richard Prince. A lizard prince sits in a library, reading, wide-eyed. This crew's so gently pliable, they've not got one bone between them. These feathered fellows bring the "smash" to "smashing the chains of the oppressed." A charging armored knight is no match for a nude longbowman whose aim is true. Ah, Paris. City of love, city of cake. It would be best if you simply do what these giant women say. Crimson acid can hear what they're saying to her. "Take this milk. Why do we drink *cow* milk? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'? Isn't that weird?" -Calvin & Hobbes, 1993-06-14 The aftermath of deuterium and tritium loving not wisely, but too well. "The name of the story will be Time, but you must not pronounce its name." -Robert Penn Warren The material world is behind you. Ahead is the world of spirits. We greased the rails at the station terminus, and you won't *believe* what happened next! A salamander fires an alcohol-based superhero out of a cannon at William Shakespeare. You know, like you do. Long after the collapse of the imperial core, a long and cryptic shadow is still cast by its ghosts. Look, it's just a bunch of little guys! They don't have top-shelf gear, leave 'em alone, don't worry about it! Yellow his room, with a new yellow curtain, and two yellow eyes, and everything is jaune for him. A bipedal cat, a degenerate, and a two-faced scoundrel welcome you to a world of illusion. In a state of nature, nobody knows you're *Canis lupus familiaris*. Scavengers gonna scavenge. So yeah, mind if I grab a couple fries? Walk slowly through the forest, for it is full of resting creatures. Lady in stone, her crew made of bone. These dinos are *very* cool. The fruits of the past are delicious today, the fruits of today are delicious forever. Such meat and cheese that you'll think you've become titled royalty. A pair of rabbits find themselves way off the agreed-upon route. Are we sure we want to keep spinning this particular wheel? Pigeons are very fine birds, but please appreciate them respectfully. These junkyard felines just might have designs on some of your treasures. Yo, listen up here's a story about a little guy that lives in a stone world. An especially fresh fortress is appreciated more by its onlookers than by its inhabitant. A trio of big fans. Various cards, blank in one way or another. When three clocks disagree by this much, best to call it a day after lunch. Link meets his match in the Sword Hoarder. The feeble scribblings of humanity are no match for the combined efforts of the flora and fauna. Few people today realize that King Charles the First had specialized in dual-wielding. Over a dozen entirely normal armchairs. Nothing to worry about. I'll cut more off than a nose before I'm done with you. The Great Telescope of Birr meets the telescopes of the future. "Don't do something we're both going to regret." An array of threatening mirrors shine back to you the things you fear to see. Various lights shine coldly in the dark, but do not assume that anyone is home. A team of horses mill restlessly at the edge of the world. Wake up. An eye is upon you, staring straight down and keenly through, seeing all that you are and everything you can never be. "One life is worth as little as any other." -Power, Chainsaw Man (2022). On behalf of Battle Mountain's mayor, Isabelle is excited to welcome you to the neighborhood! Link is armed with lon lon milk as he makes his way through woods soft and silent. Auber on fiddle, K. K. Slider on guitar, Snake on flute, Turtle on drums, Oryx on lyre, Prizmatik on pipes, with vocals by Cool Cow. You don't know what you ask, traveler. My spiciest takes will kill a dragon, let alone a host. You'd better go to a guest that shares milder takes. Hop in your time machine and come to the Bad Apple, serving customers from 2011 to 2012. A wolf is alarmed to learn that this fluffle of rabbits is much spikier than they had anticipated. "You can’t deny this song is actually a banger." "It is unbelievable that this stubborn darkness, this eternal eclipse, this flaw in geometry, this eternal cloud on virgin truth can be endured." -Farkas Bolyai, c. 1825. In case of rampaging wall emergency, break Aleph. A view from the ocean of the Hale Kai condominium complex, with a hearty salute ready for the next setting sun. "Another Sears will be an arcade, but every game is Sears." -Brandon Bird, 2022 Nobody can resist your Stromboli dynamism. But as the wind changed direction, and the temple band took fire, the crowd caught a whiff of that crazy Casbah jive! "Today my mind is concentrating and my body's like an antenna." -Miles Davis, 1989 "Is this the original board game of death?" -Colin Barras, 2020 It should be noted that the motor car was also invented by pedestrians. But for some reason the motorists soon forgot about that. They began to run over the meek and mild, clever pedestrians. The streets built by the pedestrians passed into the hands of the motorists. the roads doubled in width and the sidewalks narrowed down to the size of a tobacco wrapper. The pedestrians began to huddle against the walls of buildings in alarm. -Ilf & Petrov, 1962 A man grasps at an arrow in his back, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A man creates/discovers the world, while a giant speaks/is silent. Seven knives pierce an apple, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A harlequin reclines on bench below the stage. Amish women rise a horse-drawn carriage into Intercourse, Pennsylvania, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A green monkey clutches his bananas, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A surfer tips off the crest of a wave, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A Hippopotamus cast in bronze, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A wolf looks on. Various dogs, with an imperative to "Vote Dog." The Eiffel Tower, manipulated to appear upside-down, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."