Wah-wah-wah-wipeout! Those aboard, at no extra charge, may stay on with us for all remaining stops. Don't given 'em the satisfaction, is how! It's all in the game, though, right? What you're making in a year, I blow it in a week. Seriously, who forgets a whole island?! Love is free. Love is free. Love is free. Love is free. (Ready to kick some ass!) Nature, uh, finds a way. These fun guys are now making all metropolitan stops. Let's just say there's been some real *combustion* in these internals, you know what I'm sayin'? Devastating momentum! (Mediocre turning radii) Knuckles the echidna said "Fuck TERFs" and it roared across the battlefield from his mech's broadcast system. Next stop: Exceeding 300 kilometers per hour! That your car? Pretty nice, I love convertibles! As everyone knows, benevolent clowns favor bicycles, while malevolent clowns have all flocked to these new "motor vehicles." Watch as I inject this code straight to its root. Things aren't going so hot for these amateur rocketeers! Just one problem! Someone put all the racing stripes on sideways! "Just make sure you don't leave this one out overnight like you did your last bike." "Everything that its developers would need to crank out GranTurismo sleeps in Motor Toon Grand Prix's prehistorically simple action gamey race flow." -Tim Rogers, 2019 Why go to work when your place of work can come to you, direct as the crow flies? Guess I'll wait here until someone restarts the level. This motley crew of brash trend-setters are making their way downtown the way *they* would prefer to travel. Republic Space Force: The Wings of Hollandaise It's race to discover land between the lookouts in the crow's nests and the crew looking into the water! Behold the future conveyances of ages past! Beneath the city, the harbor. Beneath the harbor, a sleepy community and fish. Beneath that community, a friendly slumbering mass. The Grand Palace is getting positively mobbed by flying aircraft. We greased the rails at the station terminus, and you won't *believe* what happened next! A bad day for small boats out on the big, big ocean. A pair of stegosaur sailors discuss the dream of starting over on a new continent. Assassinate the Imperator with the power of light! Imagine, if you will, a field with every kind of flower. A stretch of ocean separates the ambitions of the explorers on the left from the predations of the pirates on the right. WereGarurumon se gare sur La Rue de la Gare, aux ecart de la rousse avec la roue dans la route. A ground-based galleon must fend off an armada of airships descending from space. Don't rate this sports car in terms of horsepower, but rather in terms of cow power. “They are real, and that’s why I will never work out that hard again, because nobody wanted to believe they were real." -Nicholas Cage, 2022 A mighty blue whale visits a decidedly uneventful bay. "When a man tries to see into the distance, what does he do? He narrows his eyes." -Katsuhiro Otomo, 1987 It should be noted that the motor car was also invented by pedestrians. But for some reason the motorists soon forgot about that. They began to run over the meek and mild, clever pedestrians. The streets built by the pedestrians passed into the hands of the motorists. the roads doubled in width and the sidewalks narrowed down to the size of a tobacco wrapper. The pedestrians began to huddle against the walls of buildings in alarm. -Ilf & Petrov, 1962 A train journeys to space, with a speech bubble saying, "AAAAAAA" Amish women rise a horse-drawn carriage into Intercourse, Pennsylvania, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A person stands with their head bisected, with a speech bubble saying, "holy crap." A giant squid with a chicken's head attack's attacks fictional submarine The Nautilus, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."