Brighter than the tallest lighthouse! I'll have you know that I underwent the ritual, and it ordained me as fit to have only good opinions! I hope it is! There might be five minutes in it! Friends keep their friends dry, and open up to one another. What you're making in a year, I blow it in a week. Now that's some good eating! I'm nourished by the lives that wove the web inside my haunted head. Sweet things come from those who fly! This shaggy trio of pups looks like trouble! Make your immortal rodent happy. Give her the cheese she has relied on for over 75 years of Constant Nutrition®. With DOS on your PC, you'll be blown away by the discussions about DOOM and SSI you'll have on AOL. LOL! You'd never guess which of the two has the higher power level. With family like these, who needs mortal enemies? Marx: "Don't you know the emancipation of the working classes can only be achieved by the working classes themselves?" Lenin: "No, but if you hum a few bars I'll try and fake it." Don't mind him, he's just pining for the fjords. Despite early accusations that the hare had thrown the race, a deeper investigation revealed a more complicated web of culpability. "Text me back in like 30. I'm watching that episode of SpongeBob where he has a 3-day rager with his jellyfish." -Alfred Pennyworth I think you'll find that the meaning this duel takes depends entirely on where I cleave things. Why go to work when your place of work can come to you, direct as the crow flies? The discrepancies of scale are not a bug of the polycule; they're a feature. I emerged from the disorienting journey changed in ways I could not have anticipated. When you're looking at the world while you've got the blues, a blue Moon just looks like the Moon. Behold, the first feed manufacturing facility to shift the focus from responding to contamination of the supply to preventing it. "You never know when you're making a memory." -Rickie Lee Jones. "I went to see a psychiatrist. He said, 'Tell me everything.' I did, and now he's doing my act." Richard Prince. "Reach for a book and you touch the stars," they said. "As above, so below," they said. And look at us now! It's race to discover land between the lookouts in the crow's nests and the crew looking into the water! See how they sparkle, see how they shine, see how you're drawn from yours into mine. Where my guinea pigs at! Come and get some citrus! Don't hate us because we're beautiful. Well, maybe go ahead and hate, it's great for our metrics. A feast fit for one or more rodents! A bunch of beaky busybodies band together. Food is broken down into smaller pieces through chewing (mechanical digestion), while the extensive process of chemical digestion begins. As food is chewed, saliva is produced and mixed with the food. The saliva contains enzymes, like amylase and lipase, that begin to break down carbohydrates and fats. Just some frogs taking the express train to the lake. The light from the early universe is right there, waiting for us to grab it. This bird had it all figured out, or so they thought. The Zee shines with all the colors of the Neathbow. The world is so much simpler when it's this complicated! A space telescope gazes across a starry expanse at the white-hot chaos of a black hole accretion disk. The Knight from Hollow Knight is surrounded by adoring fans. Now made with only real ingredients! Many birds, many eyes, an insatiable hunger. It is by your hand that the truth will be revealed to you. A ground-based galleon must fend off an armada of airships descending from space. A diamond hardback in the bookseller's rough is truly the greatest of treasures. A battle group of bookish ships close in on a space station. A book tyrant descends to announce that reading is now mandatory. What, were you born in a book barn?! Over a dozen entirely normal armchairs. Nothing to worry about. It's plane to see that it's all geometry. The Kird Ape is 1/1, and receives +1/+2 when the controller has forests in play. Good? Bad? She's the girl with the gun. Just do one thing, however small, that will allow you to start. Believe that you have something to say. The museum of the French mint provides a showcase of the cheddar them French been gettin' for two millennia. A flock of books take flight. Electric mice are able to metabolize both direct calories and alternating calories. A gaggle of clowns gather, as if to say, "There is no out there. There is only in here." Look at these little scamps! What possible trouble could they get into? (Narrator: They would get into a lot of trouble.) After successfully playing the long game, the roiling darkness above is commanded to produce a bolt of elemental lightning, bestowing power unto Long Marty. When living deliciously, it's important to keep in mind that it's all a matter of taste. Bet I can fit this whole book in my mouth! Four cats, 36 lives, 72 tales sold! A mighty blue whale visits a decidedly uneventful bay. "Today my mind is concentrating and my body's like an antenna." -Miles Davis, 1989 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA Code 21 CFR) sets the standard and regulates the range of irradiating laboratory animal food products between 10-50kGy for Electronic Beam (e-beam), X-Ray and Gamma (Cobalt) Irradiation. "The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily: then he dipped it into his cup of tea, and looked at it again." -Lewis Carroll, 1865 "This is me beating the shit out of you until you manifest that idea you had in the shower." -CJ the X, 2022 The world isn't getting smaller. Every part of it is simply accelerating toward you. "LOOK AT HER. y'all need to appreciate her more" like girl... she's lines The Tacoma Art Museum invites residents of 2009 to discovery how David Macaulay works. A man peers up at the James Webb Space Telescope, far beyond the Moon. A bookmark promoting the now-defunct Gotham Book Mart. A variety of book-loving creatures communicate their love enthusiastically. A pair of 3D Glasses provide depth to a game that converges toward a vanishing point.