"Corporate city, lucky for some, richest island in the sun." -Public Image Ltd, "Bad Life" My boots! My boots! My controlling shares for my boots! You wanna know how I got these wings? It's almost as though what the heart wants is not necessarily precisely what the body needs. Eggbug's doing the best they can, but let's just say it's a lucky thing they can fly! "I wonder." -President Lindberg, *The Fifth Element* (1997). Things aren't going so hot for these amateur rocketeers! "Text me back in like 30. I'm watching that episode of SpongeBob where he has a 3-day rager with his jellyfish." -Alfred Pennyworth Cut through the air like a hot knife through butter with these fashionable, aerodynamic helmets! Maybe y'all better go home, because I'm about to go big. In the criminal justice system, the wealthy are represented by two separate, yet equally obnoxious groups: billionaires, whose demands outline what is and is not lawful, and cronies, who enact those demands. One might go so far as to say that we live in a society. The jeans are from grandma, the Nintendo is from Uncle Red. Have you considered... the cheese unknown to science? Three imposing figures consider their respective blades. Hell is empty, and all the bastards are here. Got a secret. Can you keep it? Swear, this one you'll save. I'll cut more off than a nose before I'm done with you. Blind albino eggbug, ravenous, cloaked in a darkness never once touched by sunlight, must attack each turn if possible. Betray your tyrants and choose violence. After successfully playing the long game, the roiling darkness above is commanded to produce a bolt of elemental lightning, bestowing power unto Long Marty. I wish I was the animal which fits into that mood. A pair of two-dimensional eyes gaze though anaglyph glasses into the third dimension. A train journeys to space, with a speech bubble saying, "AAAAAAA" Movie poster for Manon Des Sources, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."