Love police, I think I'm forming, I'm forming a crush. There is no need to cry when everybody Hz. I could let them, but I'd have to charge. Feel like a winner; where air is thinner; take it from me. They say that creatures can perceive the beings beyond the veil that we cannot. If you don't watch out, there's gonna tamagetcha! Her witch hat brings all the dogs to the moors. She could walk them, but she'll stay indoors. We're gonna need a bigger magnifying glass. Creatures with which one might relax/ensorcel. Watch party at our place! We're going to binge Candle Cove! Crossing the veil's not so hard when you can relax to fill the contain you've been placed in. When the only tool you've got is a lever, every problem looks like a fulcrum. "Pull this lever," they said. "It opens all the cages at once, easy peasy," they said. She's navigating that tenuous Middle Kingdom between cat girl and catgirl. I hope this doesn't corrupt any sectors in me... (grumbles) "Goddamn group projects, how come I'm always the one picking up the slack at the last minute?" These felines bee-line to bumper gleams and laser beams. I'm hot 'cause I stayed out in the sun too long. You ain't 'cause you showed reasonable levels of restraint in the face of a fiery sky orb. "It's our spilled milk, and we'll cry if we want to!" You'd never guess which of the two has the higher power level. If that girl's going to keep her hearts full, she'd better use a spin attack! The stripes make it hard for you to tell how many of them there are. Think what you will of these cats, they've certainly thought a great deal about you. Our best bet is to stick together and find a nice sunny patch where we can all photosynthesize! Maybe she's born with it. Maybe she knows some really talented craftspeople. "Come closer. Closer." (Whispers in your ear) "Now fight me like a man." Don't cross these cats, lest they cross you. The spirit of the millennium is alive in the mix of Rs and Bs. If it were Ours, We'd make it much bigger. Just sit back and let them do all the cutting. Are you telling me that cats dressed as finely as we should feel hunger? Preposterous! A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "The animals will feel an overwhelming peace descend when you are around." "You are becoming Gods. There's a new master of creation, and it's you. You've unraveled DNA, and at the same time, you're cultivating bacteria strong enough to kill every living thing. D'you think you are ready for that much power? You lot? **You lot?**" - *The Second Coming* (2003), as sampled by Orbital (2004) on "You Lot" Stripes, checkerboards, it's as plain as black and white. Just *every* kind of animal, all hanging out together! What more does a witch need than the Moon, the stars, an orb, a tower, and ten or so animal companions? Team Rocket takes a tumble from a castle into the trash. In fact, we're better than nice. We are unbelievable! For thousands of years, cats have had homes. Now, they have demands. A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "The pets are happy for your safe return." "If we all work together, we can totally disrupt the system" -Ashleigh Brilliant. Space bear was promised space whales, and boy are there space whales! These cats are cross, so leave 'em be. There are a dog and a cat inside you. Each contains multitudes. These junkyard felines just might have designs on some of your treasures. Cats inspired by box chart a course to become box. The quest for justice is worthy work, and befits the use of a little magic. Rock lobsters, scissor lizards, and paper tigers cannot attack or block. "Yes, but you're taking the universe out of context." -Ashleigh Brilliant What girls want: Trash & Cats. Few can deny that cats are miniature demigods, albeit with quite constrained empires of influence. A parade of blacks, from gray to black, are scrutinizing you with yellow eyes. It's a cloudy day, but this kitty's not going to get caught unprepared. Four cats, 36 lives, 72 tales sold! "It grows harder from here," she warned the cat, but it dropped to the path and walked forward as though to say, 'You are wasting your time.' -Kij Johnson, 2016 A bookmark promoting the now-defunct Gotham Book Mart. A postal cat swipes at a postal rat, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." Cats playing golf, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." Cats demonstrate a variety of emotions through pose, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "The animals will reflect on our shared humanity until the world forgets our names." A sixteenth century depiction of an autopsy, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."