You'll cheam your creezies when you speep our Pestist Grevias! Looks like we're going to have to take nature into our own hands! Not sure that I enrolled in this school to do this, but I guess it's what we're doing! For when you need an orb delivered from anywhere on the glorb. We'll get along great if you stand *right* over there. I could let them, but I'd have to charge. "Some conscious light gets through somehow, yet I fail to notice, then I'm heading for the ground" -BT "Running Down The Way Up" (1999) I hope it is! There might be five minutes in it! Do you want to build a ski lift? My boots! My boots! My controlling shares for my boots! "Just watch me pulling up my socks, and then they get away right out from under me." -Dragonette, "My Legs" Poison Dart Froogo is a little bummed to learn they're not the biggest frog in the land. It's always brunch somewhere! Three of two of them. Above us, the celestial fire. Below us, the infernal heat. 🎶If you want to destroy your reason, trace this thread to its origin.🎵 Remember, everyone, it's about what your embodying, it's about attitude, it's about transformation! Crossing the veil's not so hard when you can relax to fill the contain you've been placed in. I'm just coming back from the shops. Hope these supplies aren't too haunted! See them run hither and thither, each sporting their own accessory! Backed by the full faith and credit of the company, some exceptions apply, void where prohibited. Within these pictures, we will no doubt find the hidden secrets that will reveal the identity of the murderer! I heard that, back in the day, they'd put a whole sausage in your burger if you asked them! Make your immortal rodent happy. Give her the cheese she has relied on for over 75 years of Constant Nutrition®. With DOS on your PC, you'll be blown away by the discussions about DOOM and SSI you'll have on AOL. LOL! It was in the Vosges Mountains, they're famous for it. As everyone knows, benevolent clowns favor bicycles, while malevolent clowns have all flocked to these new "motor vehicles." With family like these, who needs mortal enemies? Marx: "Don't you know the emancipation of the working classes can only be achieved by the working classes themselves?" Lenin: "No, but if you hum a few bars I'll try and fake it." Bulma is excited to reveal the DBZ Spacelab to the audiences of Earth. Like my graduate adviser used to say, if you want to study a good boy, study yourself! Maybe y'all better go home, because I'm about to go big. Come to the fortified city of Provins, guaranteed to be safe from armies with small-to-moderate siege capabilities! Maybe she's born with it. Maybe she knows some really talented craftspeople. *On the Fresh Grave of Your Lifelong Love Who died of Consumption and Being Found the Next Morning Unconscious, Naked, and Nearly Frozen to Death by the Groundskeeper. I didn't give my heart to a rubber wasp, so much as have it stolen. WARNING: Improper use may cause a hazardous condition. Do not top off. Behold, the first feed manufacturing facility to shift the focus from responding to contamination of the supply to preventing it. This motley crew of brash trend-setters are making their way downtown the way *they* would prefer to travel. Some voids swallow the light that shine on them, but others wholly deflect it. The centaurs have been over this before, but sometimes the spirit of jazz is too strong to partake in archery. Fortunately, someone brought a spare bow. In the future, music will consist of food sounds, and be prepared by those no longer among the living. They say the uprising was started by a cadre of Jameson-type cyborgs. The spirit of the millennium is alive in the mix of Rs and Bs. Film's future is so bright, we've got to wear shades! Behold the future conveyances of ages past! One of these bozos show their face, and you're getting that *special* boss music! See how they sparkle, see how they shine, see how you're drawn from yours into mine. Where my guinea pigs at! Come and get some citrus! You know what would look great in this untamed landscape? A housing development. Oh, they laughed at me at the academy, but who's laughing now?! Arduino? I hardly hippo! A feast fit for one or more rodents! A couple meets under a starry sky filled with fruit. A crowd of real cool shades-wearing dudes can be found on the streets of Los Angeles 2019. A salamander fires an alcohol-based superhero out of a cannon at William Shakespeare. You know, like you do. Have you considered... the cheese unknown to science? A salmon is dead, and the culprit has been identified by a witness. The powerful gather in secret to toast their unassailability. A pink zebra is looking to get a trio of animals drunk; only the one with the worst judgment is interested. The Great Wheel is the hottest date spot for singles in all of Paris. You can really feel the notes of regret and lament as it goes down. It's hot in this desert, it's boring, and it's time to go home! The fruits of the past are delicious today, the fruits of today are delicious forever. Such meat and cheese that you'll think you've become titled royalty. Three performers make music for you across the wires, and into your ear alone. Now made with only real ingredients! Cats inspired by box chart a course to become box. When three clocks disagree by this much, best to call it a day after lunch. The sages agree: Ancient Egypt is pretty cool. Orange you tempted by this dizzying cornucopia of vices? "That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful." The Little Prince (1943), on the subject of The Lamplighter. Got a secret. Can you keep it? Swear, this one you'll save. The Kird Ape is 1/1, and receives +1/+2 when the controller has forests in play. "It’s not the job of the artist to give the audience what the audience wants. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the artists. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need." -Alan Moore, 2007 The museum of the French mint provides a showcase of the cheddar them French been gettin' for two millennia. Where'd you get those creepers?! These boys done been kicking your ass so hard, their shoes wore out! Electric mice are able to metabolize both direct calories and alternating calories. "Did you know? Most climbing mishaps occur due to exhaustion. Remember to take regular breaks!" -Celeste (2018) This ad dares to ask: What is Napoleon... was a refrigerator? An array of vices are laid out before you, ready to take you to the stars. A gaggle of clowns gather, as if to say, "There is no out there. There is only in here." Auber on fiddle, K. K. Slider on guitar, Snake on flute, Turtle on drums, Oryx on lyre, Prizmatik on pipes, with vocals by Cool Cow. In the mind of the creature, fly away from here, from this human cognition to the Umwelts that are near. "I'm now making myself as scummy as I can. Why? I want to be a poet, and I'm working at turning myself into a seer. You won't understand any of this, and I'm almost incapable of explaining it to you. The idea is to reach the unknown by the derangement of all the senses." -Arthur Rimbaud, 1871, as translated by Graham Robb (2000). Three women, accented in gold, present their respective trigrams of power. Hop in your time machine and come to the Bad Apple, serving customers from 2011 to 2012. The tripartite faces of slumber, the boy, the bear, and the forebearer. When living deliciously, it's important to keep in mind that it's all a matter of taste. Bet I can fit this whole book in my mouth! "The Thousand And One Nights is not something which has died. It is a book so vast that it is not necessary to have read it, for it is a part of out memory." -Tim Rogers (2020) quoting Eliot Weinberger's (1984) translation of Jorge Luis Borges (1980). Foreverer? More like foreverest. I wish I was the animal which fits into that mood. Four cats, 36 lives, 72 tales sold! Corpora descriptio, corpora delicti. A mighty blue whale visits a decidedly uneventful bay. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA Code 21 CFR) sets the standard and regulates the range of irradiating laboratory animal food products between 10-50kGy for Electronic Beam (e-beam), X-Ray and Gamma (Cobalt) Irradiation. "This is me beating the shit out of you until you manifest that idea you had in the shower." -CJ the X, 2022 The world isn't getting smaller. Every part of it is simply accelerating toward you. The Tacoma Art Museum invites residents of 2009 to discovery how David Macaulay works. It should be noted that the motor car was also invented by pedestrians. But for some reason the motorists soon forgot about that. They began to run over the meek and mild, clever pedestrians. The streets built by the pedestrians passed into the hands of the motorists. the roads doubled in width and the sidewalks narrowed down to the size of a tobacco wrapper. The pedestrians began to huddle against the walls of buildings in alarm. -Ilf & Petrov, 1962 A variety of book-loving creatures communicate their love enthusiastically. Kings and queens brandish their weapons, but in a sensual way. Amish women rise a horse-drawn carriage into Intercourse, Pennsylvania, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A person holding a brilliant lantern aloft, with a speech bubble saying, "holy crap." Movie poster for Manon Des Sources, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A man crouches in order to demonstrate to a dog how to defecate. A mysterious woman nibbles at a butter biscuit. A sixteenth century depiction of an autopsy, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."