They get to hang out and play, and they have lots of friends, but unfortunately we can't go visit them.
Yours is fine, though. Nothing wrong with yours being smaller.
"We're thinkin' we might go cruising around later, maybe pick up some 'goyles."
If you're just now joining us, this is buffo tenor Ultros, performing the opening number from *De Vermis Mysteriis*.
They want you to know what's in the books; they do not want you to take them.
They say that creatures can perceive the beings beyond the veil that we cannot.
Come on, daddy needs another couple hundred tickets.
Keep your finger on the X button, this sequence is brutal, and it goes on *forever*!
From purple timber no good thing was ever drank.
Though it be cool, and dark, much grows in the waters of the bog.
Is this your first time on the path?
Welcome to the haunted world of HORRIBO.
Beware the prisons we build for ourselves, invisible to others, that trap us in our own minds.
High Priestess Luna bids you to mind your manner in her domain, for it is where her beasts are at their most powerful.
Betcha can't kiss the Spider Woman just once!
Don't count this silly little mouse out just yet! Even so, it's going to be *quite* a climb, with some gnarly battles along the way.
They say she's got specimens to die for.
Bears shouldn't walk on sunshine! Not like this!
Who needs spinal column when you've got all this brain power?!
You can't surprise me! My vision's periphery all the way round!
"Now, you say you spell 'slaadi' with two As? Fascinating."
"Reach for a book and you touch the stars," they said. "As above, so below," they said. And look at us now!
Now that they've been adorned with flowers, there's no denying that these are the beasts of all time.
One of these bozos show their face, and you're getting that *special* boss music!
Hunted by horrors, Horace had his heart humbled and his hopes hollowed.
"The triffids are coming! The triffids are growing! The triffids are killing!"
The next move you make could be your next.
Two leviathans consume meal fit for a world-devouring hunger!
A variety of cephalopods present an intimidating front.
Blind albino eggbug, ravenous, cloaked in a darkness never once touched by sunlight, must attack each turn if possible.
Six hungry ladies set out in search of fresh fish.
A giant squid with a chicken's head attack's attacks fictional submarine The Nautilus, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
Dr. Strange is attacked by a monster, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."