Friends keep their friends dry, and open up to one another. "Everything must finally fall. In war, or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash, the triumphs, the frauds, the treasures and the fakes." -Orson Welles, *F for Fake* (1973). What you're making in a year, I blow it in a week. In a way, the most powerful sorcery is that which has nothing at its center. Now that's some good eating! A curious war. The only way to win is not to kill. Seriously, who forgets a whole island?! If you're just now joining us, this is buffo tenor Ultros, performing the opening number from *De Vermis Mysteriis*. Come on in! The water's cold and under enormous pressure! Love is free. Love is free. Love is free. Love is free. (Ready to kick some ass!) If you stack one atop the other, you can make yourself a staircase to anywhere. Look to the sky, and you will see, in its vastness, all things. "Just watch me pulling up my socks, and then they get away right out from under me." -Dragonette, "My Legs" Feel like a winner; where air is thinner; take it from me. Rejections by mail don't get any easier when they come from across the veil. A future we can all aspire to: "Become your best self. You can do it. We can help." "Stare into the subliminal for as long as you can." -They Might Be Giants Nature, uh, finds a way. Quit stalling and get in the sleigh, gramps. There's treasure everywhere! So really, you should be thanking me for all these great gifts.