"Nurse come in, please, where are you?" -Dr. Octagon, "General Hospital" (1996). Don't dream it's clover. Quit stalling and get in the sleigh, gramps. 🎶If you want to destroy your reason, trace this thread to its origin.🎵 Is this your first time on the path? The bigger they are, the harder these little guys bring them down. Look, Eunice, the company has done quite a lot to wind you up, it's only right that it get the song and dance it expects. I know some people say think they're very one-dimensional, but I sure think they've got depth. This is the luckiest thing to happen to Mazura since he got kicked out of Parapa Palace. I'm hearing a lot of good things about, I think they're called "Lancers?" All the rage, I hear. What reason do you have to doubt? Have you ever met a pig who tells lies before? The stripes make it hard for you to tell how many of them there are. Come to the fortified city of Provins, guaranteed to be safe from armies with small-to-moderate siege capabilities! Why go to work when your place of work can come to you, direct as the crow flies? Guess I'll wait here until someone restarts the level. "Words are a wonderful form of communication, but they will never replace kisses and punches." -Ashleigh Brilliant It's a tough market out there, no horsin' around permitted. "If you think about it, Platinum, the whole rest of the world is Sheep, isn't it?" A charging armored knight is no match for a nude longbowman whose aim is true. "Cause every chromosome is a hand-me-down." - Weird Al Yankovic, "I Think I'm A Clone Now" (1988) Crimson acid can hear what they're saying to her. "Take this milk. Why do we drink *cow* milk? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'? Isn't that weird?" -Calvin & Hobbes, 1993-06-14 Stripes, checkerboards, it's as plain as black and white. "There is no joy more intense than that of coming upon a fact that cannot be understood in terms of currently accepted ideas." -Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Cube. Pyramid. Sphere. Hexagon. Crescent. Perfection. A pink zebra is looking to get a trio of animals drunk; only the one with the worst judgment is interested. The car's not going to know what hit it. An antelope has the undivided attention of seven dogs. Imagine, if you will, a field with every kind of flower. Warning: Coffee may be the brutal, searing temperature of the sun. Three royals ladies, three noble creatures. Truly, it's good to be alive. Don't rate this sports car in terms of horsepower, but rather in terms of cow power. The feeble scribblings of humanity are no match for the combined efforts of the flora and fauna. All soft horses, no straight lines. Several unnerving horse-like entities. Saint George, having broken his lance, swings a sword at a dragon, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."