At first they gathered two by two, then rallied four by four, and finally in a sea of blue they breached the sealed tomb door.
"We wanna invite you to go hunt with us."
"Some conscious light gets through somehow, yet I fail to notice, then I'm heading for the ground" -BT "Running Down The Way Up" (1999)
Don't given 'em the satisfaction, is how!
These dogs do *not* have a job.
Some dogs are created more orb than others.
One need only point out where the artifact is hidden and command, "Fetch!"
Her witch hat brings all the dogs to the moors. She could walk them, but she'll stay indoors.
We keep it tight, you know? Gotta be there for the wolf pack.
Birk a bork today, and you'll both bark at a berk tomorrow!
See them run hither and thither, each sporting their own accessory!
(grumbles) "Goddamn group projects, how come I'm always the one picking up the slack at the last minute?"
You're going to need to put a lot of heads together to outsmart this wolf pack.
This shaggy trio of pups looks like trouble!
The future is not yet determined, but we may know ourselves in the present moment.
They're technically all woofers, even their tweeter!
Like my graduate adviser used to say, if you want to study a good boy, study yourself!
Our best bet is to stick together and find a nice sunny patch where we can all photosynthesize!
Pokémon shouldn't fight! Not like this!
Some doors will only open to a stranger who you feel deeply that you knew in times past.
"If you think about it, Platinum, the whole rest of the world is Sheep, isn't it?"
"I got no complaints, it's regular hours, and I can jog to and from work on the parkway."
Folks will do whatever it takes to be these dogs' best friends.
What do the acoustic guitar, the electric guitar, the mandolin, and the fiddle have in common? Sicks shreds.
This gnome's got a sword, and a dog, and a wardrobe that just don't quit.
Just *every* kind of animal, all hanging out together!
Each and every dog normal, not made of unusual materials at all, don't worry about it.
Let me introduce the team: The Muscle. The Bankroll. The Fixer. The Infiltrator.
In a state of nature, nobody knows you're *Canis lupus familiaris*.
An antelope has the undivided attention of seven dogs.
There are a dog and a cat inside you. Each contains multitudes.
WereGarurumon se gare sur La Rue de la Gare, aux ecart de la rousse avec la roue dans la route.
These pups don't run!
Tintin is threatened by an unnaturally big spider.
A royal crow announces, "Hooray! A brand spankin' new place to work!" A dog is astonished.
Mazeppa regrets riding bareback in the company of much wilder ruffians.
This place is just chock full of dogs!
Auber on fiddle, K. K. Slider on guitar, Snake on flute, Turtle on drums, Oryx on lyre, Prizmatik on pipes, with vocals by Cool Cow.
"Oh wad power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as others see us!"
Three dogs in a circle greet one another.
A wolf is alarmed to learn that this fluffle of rabbits is much spikier than they had anticipated.
Is this a dog I see before me? Or is it three? Seems, nay, 'tis a split in my vision.
They call me Pitopotamus, my kisses are bottomless.
A dog dreams, calmly and cozily, of what it is like to be a dog.
A man crouches in order to demonstrate to a dog how to defecate.
A Hippopotamus cast in bronze, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A wolf looks on.
Various dogs, with an imperative to "Vote Dog."