The aftermath of deuterium and tritium loving not wisely, but too well. "There is no joy more intense than that of coming upon a fact that cannot be understood in terms of currently accepted ideas." -Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin If you do it with a twist. Yes, artistically. You have nothing to lose but access to a power supply! Can't hardly ponder 'em all, there's so many orbs out here! Sure, these reptiles can get flat, but they're flexible. What other other shapes would you like them to make? Would you like you memories with tea? Or with gravy? Nothing shiny is safe from this clever birb! "The name of the story will be Time, but you must not pronounce its name." -Robert Penn Warren Surely reading all this trashy gossip isn't bad for me! Arduino? I hardly hippo! Don't get it twisted, the bozo on the horse knows what he did. Emmy Noether, iconic physicist and mathematician, was operating on a whole different level. When you stare into the maze, the maze stares back into you. "One of the book's signs is the sounding of seven trumpets, the fifth of which brings forth a swarm of locusts." The material world is behind you. Ahead is the world of spirits. All! About! Bees! Don't hate us because we're beautiful. Well, maybe go ahead and hate, it's great for our metrics. Even your sharpest barbs aren't making it past this armor. A feast fit for one or more rodents!