If you stack one atop the other, you can make yourself a staircase to anywhere. Poison Dart Froogo is a little bummed to learn they're not the biggest frog in the land. Please turn to p. 104 and consult the Wheel Table. Fast fashion, you say? Well, they're available for a limited time, I'll tell you that much! "I was an animal then. Behind all this, I'm an animal now, and someday, some grim situation or another will, with its claws, steal from me my humanity and leave me for a moment in philosophy a shattering animal. Today, I'd like to hope that's not me. I'm not there. I'm here. I will always be right here." -Tim Rogers, "action button reviews boku no natsuyasumi" (2022). The bigger they are, the harder these little guys bring them down. Two frogs go on a coastal hike. One is bringing the sense of adventure, and the other is bringing the snacks! "Pull this lever," they said. "It opens all the cages at once, easy peasy," they said. Time to get out from these narrow confines and stretch our limbs! Froogo's having a grand old time living that monospaced life! They say that by the time you make it to the deep end, visibility goes down to zero! Oh my goodness! Do you mind? Can I get a picture? If it were Ours, We'd make it much bigger. Just *every* kind of animal, all hanging out together! Just some frogs taking the express train to the lake. You are a toad. Toad toad toad. I wish I was the animal which fits into that mood. A bookmark promoting the now-defunct Gotham Book Mart.