Don't you dare collect the Hammer Fragments to repair the Ball Hammer. It's all in the game, though, right? Come on in! The water's cold and under enormous pressure! We thought today would be a good day for rolling. Let me tell you, when these gummies hit, they *really hit!* High Priestess Luna bids you to mind your manner in her domain, for it is where her beasts are at their most powerful. "In a logic that perhaps no man will ever understand, the true winner is the last to finish the race." -Dr. Nils Hellstrom, *The Hellstrom Chronicle* (1971). One of these bozos show their face, and you're getting that *special* boss music! Would you like you memories with tea? Or with gravy? A man and woman ponder an ord, within which is an alien who ponders them back with an order of its own. From the beyond, further orbs, and further pondering of this pondering. The Great Wheel is the hottest date spot for singles in all of Paris. Assassinate the Imperator with the power of light! The future corpses of America face down the power behind the throne. The Moon has many secrets, and many feel a pull other than that of the tides. The Knight brandishes its nail as it is borne by the Last Stag into the deepest, buggiest corners of Hallownest. In case of rampaging wall emergency, break Aleph. But as the wind changed direction, and the temple band took fire, the crowd caught a whiff of that crazy Casbah jive!