A tuxedoed gentleman appears with a winged alchemical symbol.
Eight ants circle on a Moebius band, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "The animals are eventually going to confirm my suspicions."
Opus the penguin tries and fails to fly, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A person stands with their head bisected, with a speech bubble saying, "holy crap."
A green monkey clutches his bananas, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "It's time to perfunctorily send a card for Halloween!"
A giant squid with a chicken's head attack's attacks fictional submarine The Nautilus, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A wanderer stands above a sea of fog, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A man crouches in order to demonstrate to a dog how to defecate.
A surfer tips off the crest of a wave, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
Dr. Strange is attacked by a monster, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A mysterious woman nibbles at a butter biscuit.
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "The animals will reflect on our shared humanity until the world forgets our names."
A sixteenth century depiction of an autopsy, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A Hippopotamus cast in bronze, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no." A wolf looks on.
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "Will you accept my emotional outburst?"
A man holding a and puppet aloft, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
Various dogs, with an imperative to "Vote Dog."
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "Just a friendly note to say how are you!"