An incredulous bird is surrounded by smaller birds and approximate birds.
Two masked and robed individuals recline in a gondola, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
Three wacky ladies are really excited to share their opinions.
A variety of grim portents induce a melancholy atmosphere.
A variety of book-loving creatures communicate their love enthusiastically.
A portrait of Bonaparte remains trapped halfway between the sketch and the render.
The capybara is a singularly luminous animal, and space aliens have concerns.
Kings and queens brandish their weapons, but in a sensual way.
A single powerful tome can have the weight of a whole stack of fluff.
A stack of tetraminos, vandalized and decaying, stand forgotten in a warehouse.
You have been greeted by an inhabitant of the Moon.
A man grasps at an arrow in his back, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
The animals are immune to rhetoric.
An angel points at a skull, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."
A multi-purpose greeting card configured to read, "It's time to sleep in to commemorate the New Year!"
A man creates/discovers the world, while a giant speaks/is silent.
A pair of 3D Glasses provide depth to a game that converges toward a vanishing point.
Several unnerving horse-like entities.
The hottest take of all time is also literally the most superficial.
Seven knives pierce an apple, with a speech bubble saying, "oh no."