What, were you born in a book barn?! Things are getting hot, and some foundations are starting to crack. Over a dozen entirely normal armchairs. Nothing to worry about. The desert is full of strange and wondrous visions. I'll cut more off than a nose before I'm done with you. It's plane to see that it's all geometry. Jack's lucky chucks attack Waluigi's semi-wahtomatic wahndgun. The Kird Ape is 1/1, and receives +1/+2 when the controller has forests in play. Some vampires being spooky, in a glamorous, aspirational way. A variety of cephalopods present an intimidating front. "It’s not the job of the artist to give the audience what the audience wants. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the artists. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need." -Alan Moore, 2007 These ladies in red are the belles of the bug ball. The Great Telescope of Birr meets the telescopes of the future. "Don't do something we're both going to regret." The hills are alive with the sound of ravenous, toothsome, flowering plants. Good? Bad? She's the girl with the gun. Blind albino eggbug, ravenous, cloaked in a darkness never once touched by sunlight, must attack each turn if possible. Ain't no rule say that dogs can't take baths. Just do one thing, however small, that will allow you to start. Believe that you have something to say. A whale's song is sometimes a plea to find a point of reference.