Various cards, blank in one way or another.
A celebration of NASA computer Katherine Johnson.
Crowd around the scrying pool, you're not going want to miss the preview of next week's episode!
Some round, chill friends soak in the sunshine.
"Please turn down the volume or play something other than Drake."
When three clocks disagree by this much, best to call it a day after lunch.
The Moon has many secrets, and many feel a pull other than that of the tides.
A royal crow announces, "Hooray! A brand spankin' new place to work!" A dog is astonished.
I mean, what could the odds that this result is a fluke possibly be?
The sages agree: Ancient Egypt is pretty cool.
I see your card has (I see your card has cards in it)s in it.
Now is the springtime of our mild affect made glorious summer by these daughters glam.
A diamond hardback in the bookseller's rough is truly the greatest of treasures.
Don't rate this sports car in terms of horsepower, but rather in terms of cow power.
The quest for justice is worthy work, and befits the use of a little magic.
Orange you tempted by this dizzying cornucopia of vices?
Even a flat Earth resides in a vast and voluminous universe that is full of wonders.
Have you remembered the moon today?
You cannot learn statistics without first considering the simple coin flip.