There is no need to cry when everybody Hz. "If you’re bold enough to go mask off, you’re bad enough to get smacked on." -2 Mello, "PULL UP" (2021) "Everything must finally fall. In war, or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash, the triumphs, the frauds, the treasures and the fakes." -Orson Welles, *F for Fake* (1973). The next big things arises from what came before, even if it need not be of the same stuff. Not sure how you can be so salty but not salt your password tables. Cogito ergo that's some people, I tell you what. Birk a bork today, and you'll both bark at a berk tomorrow! Look, everyone, I'm sure one of us is going to crack their ICE eventually! What better way to honor her contributions than to post via wifi? I hope this doesn't corrupt any sectors in me... With DOS on your PC, you'll be blown away by the discussions about DOOM and SSI you'll have on AOL. LOL! Froogo's having a grand old time living that monospaced life! Whatever they're doing, it's not thinking. On the Internet, everyone knows you can't possibly be a ghost who died before 1969, because they never received the necessary operating system upgrade. Arduino? I hardly hippo! Hackers from the 90s attempt to infiltrate the Internet of the 21st century. This is a tribute post in honor of Grace Hopper (1906-1992). "You're having delusions, Jobe. Struggle for reason!" -Dr. Lawrence Angelo