Just do one thing, however small, that will allow you to start. Believe that you have something to say. A whale's song is sometimes a plea to find a point of reference. Let me tell you, Cohen's couldn't believe how big my effect size is. Behold some freaks who always thinks with their tentacle ganglia. The museum of the French mint provides a showcase of the cheddar them French been gettin' for two millennia. Where'd you get those creepers?! Think about it. Have you ever *seen* your skull? Or anyone else's, for that matter? "Yes, but you're taking the universe out of context." -Ashleigh Brilliant Six hungry ladies set out in search of fresh fish. What girls want: Trash & Cats. "Did you know? It is impossible to outrun your own reflection." -Celeste (2018) A flock of books take flight. These boys done been kicking your ass so hard, their shoes wore out! An array of threatening mirrors shine back to you the things you fear to see. A delicate boundary between worlds, but doom awaits those who believe their love will carry them across its threshold. Electric mice are able to metabolize both direct calories and alternating calories. "Normal times may possibly be over forever." -Ashleigh Brilliant Few can deny that cats are miniature demigods, albeit with quite constrained empires of influence. "A trap is only a trap if you don't know about it. If you know about it, it's a challenge." -China Miéville, 1998. (A rat's become a fat cat, flanked by kings gone rank.) Various lights shine coldly in the dark, but do not assume that anyone is home.