Many Sword > Master SwordJune 22, 2023 Greg Jensencohost diaspora photography postcards stickers tarot video games weaponsLink meets his match in the Sword Hoarder.Read more →
BalanțaJune 21, 2023 Greg Jensenarchitecture art pins postcards rpg tarot"We've got to build our life on new foundations. We must get back to primeval integrity." -Eugène Ionesco, 1960.Read more →
Light Up The NightJune 20, 2023 Greg Jensenads art comics merch orbs pins postcards rabbits space tarot"That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful." The Little Prince (1943), on the subject of The Lamplighter.Read more →
Little Hugs For Little GuysJune 19, 2023 Greg Jensenart bugs cohost diaspora postcards rabbits tarotJust a whole bunch of little guys!Read more →
Look With Your Special EyesJune 18, 2023 Greg Jensenmerch novelty card games pins postcards Pot Shots trading card games webvideo"It's strange, but wherever I take my eyes, they always sen things from my point of view." -Ashleigh BrilliantRead more →
We Are Looking RespectfullyJune 17, 2023 Greg Jensenart cover art critters postcards trading card gamesTwo onlookers witness slowpoke, painted liked one of their French girls.Read more →
Triangle of Sadness (1998)June 16, 2023 Greg Jensenboard games cats reptiles sea creatures trading card gamesRock lobsters, scissor lizards, and paper tigers cannot attack or block.Read more →
Rattle & StrumJune 15, 2023 Greg Jensenart cohost diaspora merch postcards rpg stickers tarot webcomicsTwo string-instrument artists struggle with and dwell on their art.Read more →
STAR WORDSJune 14, 2023 Greg Jensenbookmarks novelty card games spaceA battle group of bookish ships close in on a space station.Read more →
Super Size MeJune 13, 2023 Greg Jensenabominations novelty card games pins tarot trading card gamesTwo leviathans consume meal fit for a world-devouring hunger!Read more →
Horsing Around With MazeppaJune 12, 2023 Greg Jensenart cohost diaspora daemons dogs merch pins postcards tarot webcomicsMazeppa regrets riding bareback in the company of much wilder ruffians.Read more →
Nature Is ForgettingJune 11, 2023 Greg Jensencohost diaspora critters hoofstock photography postcards stickers tarotThe feeble scribblings of humanity are no match for the combined efforts of the flora and fauna.Read more →
Who, When We Do Our Darkest Deeds, Do We Tell?June 10, 2023 Greg Jensenads cohost diaspora film postcards rabbits rpg stickers tarotGot a secret. Can you keep it? Swear, this one you'll save.Read more →
I'm Going Down To Dog Town, The Dogs Are Friends To MeJune 9, 2023 Greg Jensenart board games cohost diaspora dogs merch pins postcards stickers video games webcomicsThis place is just chock full of dogs!Read more →
The Frame JobJune 8, 2023 Greg Jensenmerch novelty card games stickers trading card games webcomicsThe painting spoke to me, and only to me, and fell to me to rescue her.Read more →
My Bookseller? He's Linked Different.June 7, 2023 Greg Jensenart bookmarks objects video gamesA book tyrant descends to announce that reading is now mandatory.Read more →
Hunters Wise In The Old WaysJune 6, 2023 Greg Jensenbirds novelty card games tarotA trio of long-beaked birds jointly consider their shared two centuries of experience.Read more →
Flowers, My BelovedsJune 5, 2023 Greg Jensenart cohost diaspora pins plants postcards seasonal tarot video gamesThe month of June is a time for beautiful flora.Read more →
An Amateur Can't Fight A Guy Who Does It Two-Handed. It's Like An Ant Fighting GodJune 4, 2023 Greg Jensendice photography pins postcards rpg trading card games weaponsFew people today realize that King Charles the First had specialized in dual-wielding.Read more →
Abandon Possessions, Become ToadJune 3, 2023 Greg Jensenamphibians board games novelty card games pinsYou are a toad. Toad toad toad.Read more →