A shady ne'er-do-well pulls himself from the ocean only to discover more than he bargained for. Where my guinea pigs at! Come and get some citrus! Look, I'm just saying, these creatures are, like, *all wing*, know what I mean? A duel is when two people agree that the other person dying is more important that keeping oneself alive. Crimson acid can hear what they're saying to her. This gnome's got a sword, and a dog, and a wardrobe that just don't quit. Beneath the canal, and deeper out beyond the harbor, there are things in the water. "Take this milk. Why do we drink *cow* milk? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'? Isn't that weird?" -Calvin & Hobbes, 1993-06-14 Stripes, checkerboards, it's as plain as black and white. It's a chimeracle! I'll lead, you follow, try not to get burned. You know what would look great in this untamed landscape? A housing development. Oh, they laughed at me at the academy, but who's laughing now?! The heart want what it wants, which is trouble if the heart wants the heart. Just *every* kind of animal, all hanging out together! Hold me closer, dabbing Lancer! Each and every dog normal, not made of unusual materials at all, don't worry about it. Let me introduce the team: The Muscle. The Bankroll. The Fixer. The Infiltrator. Tell us experience that we can earn. The Grand Palace is getting positively mobbed by flying aircraft.