Two By Two, Huh? There's Always Some Wiggle Room

Postcard credit: Photo of a 1/36 scale model of the Louis XV (France, Late 17th century), in an ad for the 250th anniversary of Le Musée de la Marine (1998).

Stickers: Joshua Barkman, purchased from the False Knees Store.


  • "Obedience of Noah" (Michael Carroll, 1995), promotional card for Redemption, card game by Rob Anderson.
  • "Buopoth" (Mark Ferrari, 1997), from Mythos - The Dreamlands, card game by Charlie Krank, published by Chaosium.
  • "Curious Cow" (Kevin Fagaragan, 2022), from Legendary Cattleclysm, card game by ProZD, published by The Yetee.