An Odyssey
Barley, a dog, sits on hotel bed somewhere in the Southwestern United States. The tale of how Barley came to cross America corner-to-corner in six days involves a longer and more delicate backstory than I’m comfortable elaborating upon here. We will begin our tale in media res on a November Monday in 2019, at Orlando International Airport. The employee working the cargo desk took a look at Barley and declared, “Nope, I don’t care what the paperwork says, that’s a pitbull and we don’t fly pitbulls.” Suddenly, the plan for Barley to fly cross-country was dashed against the rocks. She couldn’t stay in Florida, however, so something needed to be done immediately. I remain forever grateful for those who rallied immediately to begin the drive from Florida to Dallas, starting at the crack of dawn on Tuesday. Meanwhile, I rallied my own forces. I couldn’t leave work until Thursday after lunch, and I needed to be back at work Monday morning. So my mother and I arranged to fly to Dallas separately. After two days of nail-biting stress, my Thursday consisted of work until noon, then going straight to the airport to fly to Texas. Once united, my mother and I spent the evening getting ourselves prepped: renting the car, stockpiling supplies, making reservations, working out how to cover the remaining distance. Late that night, Barley was delivered to us; a little antsy from being cooped up in a car for days, but ever her enthusiastic self. Without complaint, she…
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