Tall Recognize Tall

Barley, a dog, takes a passing interest in a goat standing atop a wooden-spool-turned-pedestal. I remain grateful that Barley doesn’t have a well-defined concept of “tabletops.” I would struggle, I think, with owning the sort of pet that makes a habit of inhabiting or disrupting elevated surfaces, given my penchant for semi-organized clutter. Given Barley’s exceedingly ground-level understanding of the world, I find much tobe amused about her interest in, and possibly her confusion about, others who have climbed on top of things. Whether it’s me standing on a chair to fix a light bulb, or this goat having satisfied its biological imperative to get high, Barley’s reaction is generally to observe with mild bewilderment. “Whoa,” she seems to be thinking, “how’d they do that?”
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