Barley, a dog, lies calmly on her side with her legs sticking straight out, but her eyes have popped open and her ears have pricked up, suddenly alert.
It’s hard to imagine Barley being too tired to bother. Even when properly tuckered out (we see her here recovering from an enthusiastic playdate with a dog buddy), the spirit is eternally willing if some clue presents itself that mischief (or snacks) might be afoot. Seeing this photo now reminds of the very first day she came home, when she met Juniper for the first time, and proceeded to rough-house with Juni for about six hour, almost uninterrupted. By the time the sun set that evening, they were both lying on the living room floor, delirious with exhaustion, and even then, Barley was sort of waving a paw at Juni from across the floor as if to say, “hey, hey, let’s go again.”