Juniper Friday! Every Day I'm Snufflin'

Juniper, a dog, seeks out dog kibble hidden among the felt petals of a large snuffle pad.

Juniper, a dog, seeks out dog kibble hidden among the felt petals of a large snuffle pad.

Juniper gets excited whenever her snuffle pad comes out. I find this especially endearing because she’s one of the least food-motivated dogs I’ve ever known. A bowl of dry food sitting out, waiting to be eaten, has big “I’ll get to it when I get to it” energy for her - she just can’t be bothered unless she’s in the mood. But the snuffle pad! That’s a game and eating all that food yields praise! Or maybe she sees it as work? After all, she wants nothing more than to be a Dog With A Job, so maybe she interprets the cheering she receives as she snuffles as a sign that, “Yes! I’m absolutely knocking this mission out of the park!”