Workin' Pets

Barley, a dog, sprawls on the floor in an office, waiting for some visitor or meeting to add some zest to the work day.

Barley, a dog, sprawls on the floor in an office, waiting for some visitor or meeting to add some zest to the work day.

In keeping with the theme of waiting raised last week, Barley surely finds much of my in-office work to be quite dull. Her initial reaction to staying in the office was quite ambivalent, I think because she must find it to be almost spookily sterile locale. Now that she’s used to it, of course, she’s much less nervous (and her in-office crate no doubt has a comfortingly familiar ambiance), but there’s very much time that still needs killing. Fortunately, she never needs to wait longer than 20-30 minutes for someone who wants to say hi to pass by my open door, in which case she can trot up to the gate and receive a friendly hello from some fan or other.