
Barley, a dog, lies on the futon with one of her toys, but glances with evident alarm toward something happening off campus.

Barley, a dog, lies on the futon with one of her toys, but glances with evident alarm toward something happening off campus.

Barley gives me The Big Eyes all the time, but a key implication my being given The Eyes is that you see them face on. Barley’s got big, dark eyes. Even when Barley gives me her biggest puppy-dog eyes, what strikes you are these inky brown and black orbs. What I don’t usually get to see are the vivid whites of her eyes, since they only form a thin ring when you lock eyes with her. But viewed from the side, the size of her orbit becomes pretty difficult to ignore. I figure I’m not the first person to notice this about dogs, because it’s been a visual gag in cartoons since at least 1943.