The Last Wiggles Of Summer

Barley, a dog, wiggles vigorously on her back, on a patch of dry grass.

Barley, a dog, wiggles vigorously on her back, on a patch of dry grass.

Barley, a dog, continues to wiggle.

Barley, a dog, continues to wiggle.

Barley, a dog, can't stop wiggling!

Barley, a dog, can’t stop wiggling!

Barley, a dog, will wiggle even further, when summer returns.

Barley, a dog, will wiggle even further, when summer returns.

There’s no question that this has been Barley’s wiggliest year on record. Just an unreasonable amount of wiggling. Bless her, I think she’s truly discovered a new hobby. While wiggling with no doubt continue at home (the futon is her preferred wiggle zone), her inclination to do so outside has since dropped dramatically as the temperature has gone down and the ground has become consistently moist. Here, then, is photographic evidence of what I believe is the last of her summer wiggles, taken during the last serious heat wave before the rains came.