
Barley, a dog, relaxes on a futon beside a window that is illuminated brightly by snow. The resulting contrast plunges the indoor portion of the shot into deep shadow.

Barley, a dog, relaxes on a futon beside a window that is illuminated brightly by snow. The resulting contrast plunges the indoor portion of the shot into deep shadow.

While photographing Barley exploring the snow is straightforward, doing so from indoors is deceptively difficult with even a fairly good camera phone. It’s easy to forget how good the human eye is at adjusting between dramatically different levels of light. To make this perfectly clear: Barley is not lying in a room with the lights off. That’s a fully illuminated room! The snow just brightens everything up so much that resolving the snowy scene beyond the glass narrows the aperture so much as to reduce Barley to being merely rim-lit.