Barley, a dog, does a big chomp on her cow toy, getting so much of the neck in her mouth that she manages to cover part of the face.
As with all toys, I took about half the stuffing out of this one after Barley’s first few rounds of vigorous thrashing resulted in a split seam. The cow, now that much floppier, stands up well to her attention, but the stuffing in the cow’s snout is a completely separate compartment from the rest of the body. As such, the cow’s head is now very top- and front-heavy, due to this higher density bulb of fabric. Now, when she thrashes the cow, it’s a very different sort of experience depending on which end she grabs it by, because that heavy snout can have real leverage if given the chance. Fortunately, Barley is more of a Carpe Jugulum girl, so I’ve been thwacked by a swinging cow face a couple of times.