Muy Caliente

Barley, a dog, shows off her taco costume, which doubles as a sweater during a cold snap so long as it's not raining.

Barley, a dog, shows off her taco costume, which doubles as a sweater during a cold snap so long as it’s not raining.

Barley’s now worn her taco costume for multiple Halloween trips to my workplace, and she’s always a big hit when people realize what they’re looking at. However, I keep the taco handy all winter long because it’s also a surprisingly warm sweater. Being made from the cheapest, non-breathable plastic fibers, it retains body heat quite nicely, and is also very quick to put on. That said, its main shortcoming is that it is also quite cheaply build, so I wouldn’t risk using it on any walks that (a) have a risk of getting muddy or (b) during which are likely to be rained on. As fun as it is, it definitely wasn’t build to last, so I’m trying to limits how much it needs to be laundered, as I fear it might fall apart if handled roughly.